Nacho Mama’s 5k to benefit the Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home
Hosted by Broadmoor United Methodist Church
May 12, 2018 at Broadmoor UMC 5k to begin at 8:00 am
Nacho Mama’s 5k to benefit the Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home
Hosted by Broadmoor United Methodist Church
May 12, 2018 at Broadmoor UMC 5k to begin at 8:00 am
Arthur Circle has an URGENT need of Crayons, Washable Markers and Colored Pencils. Collection baskets are near the office and sanctuary.
Let's make sure our kids at Arthur Circle have the supplies they need to succeed!
Contact Jan Bookter @; ASAP for more information.
The worn out Carrier chiller and condensing units in Anderson Hall that failed in 2016, requiring extensive costly repairs, have been replaced.
Across my life, I’ve had a couple of broken bones. I finally got cleared from my latest break to resume all activities – but I still can’t lift much of anything. Still, it is mending. I’m thankful.
At the beginning of Lent, Psalm 51 is read at the Ash Wednesday service each year. There’s one verse that grabbed my attention this year: “Let the bones that you have crushed rejoice” (Ps 51:8).
Invite your friends and family to join us at Broadmoor UMC for Holy Week 2018 as we remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Maunday Thursday | March 29
Join us for our Maundy Thursday service at 6 pm in the sanctuary as we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Disciples.
Good Friday | March 30
Join us for our Youth led service. We will start at Noon in Anderson Hall.
Good Friday Memorial Service Remembering Children | March 30
God knows the pain on Good Friday. Families who have lost children are invited to come and worship on Friday, April 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Rose Neath Funeral Home located at 1815 Marshall Street in Shreveport. Dr. Jack O’Dell will lead this service of hope. Each family will be invited to light a candle in memory of their child(ren). There is great hope in remembering.
Holy Saturday | March 31
Join us at 6 pm on the grassy corner of Anniston and Albany for a Holy Saturday Prayer Service. Once again we will let our prayers be counted as incense before God as we pray and place written prayer requests into a small fire. We hope to see you around the fire pit as we begin the long night together before Easter morning
Easter | April 1
Join us for Easter Sunday Services at 8:30 & 11 a.m. for Traditional worship in the sanctuary and 11 am in The River Contemporary Service in Anderson Gym. There will be a normal Sunday School Schedule on Easter!
Across my life, I’ve had a couple of broken bones. I finally got cleared from my latest break to resume all activities – but I still can’t lift much of anything. Still, it is mending. I’m thankful.
At the beginning of Lent, Psalm 51 is read at the Ash Wednesday service each year. There’s one verse that grabbed my attention this year: “Let the bones that you have crushed rejoice” (Ps 51:8).