Spring Break Playdate
to Mar 13

Spring Break Playdate

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Looking for something to do with your preschooler during Spring Break? No worries, we have you covered. Tuesday, Mar 11 and Thursday, Mar 13 | 10-Noon | Outside Playground or Gym

Come enjoy the playground, make a craft, of course have a snack, and visit with other adults. If the weather is not ideal for outside play, then we will play in the gym.

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Louisiana United Women in Faith Social Action Event | Protecting Our Mamas: Advocating for Maternal Health Care in Louisiana
9:00 AM09:00

Louisiana United Women in Faith Social Action Event | Protecting Our Mamas: Advocating for Maternal Health Care in Louisiana

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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Louisiana United Women in Faith Social Action Event | Protecting Our Mamas: Advocating for Maternal Health Care in Louisiana | Saturday | Mar 15 | Broadmoor UMC | 9-1 PM

Join the Louisiana Conference of United Women in Faith to discuss the history and current status of Maternal Health Care in Louisiana and explore ways to advocate for improving care and survival rates for mothers and babies. A light breakfast and box lunch are included in the registration fee. 

Registration is online at http://uwfla.org or registration forms are at the office reception desk. You may attend in person or by Live Stream. 

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Faith in Action Recap
9:45 AM09:45

Faith in Action Recap

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Sunday | Mar 16 | 9:45 AM | The Chapel

Our Lay Leaders Steve Lindsey and Gay Gaskins will be sharing the content of the conversations had at our January 25th church-wide Faith in Action event. This is not just a presentation, but it is a time for us to jump into the new ministries that Broadmoor could provide and lend your gifts and talents to long-standing ministries. 

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5:00 PM17:00


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Mark your calenders now because you will not want to miss Game Night!

Sunday | Mar 30 | 5-7 PM | Anderson Hall Gym

Bring your boardgames, cards, dice, or scrabble tiles and join the fun. No games at home, no problem we’ve got you covered. There will be a Kids Zone with games for all the kids to enjoy.

You can sign up on your connect card or by emailing office@broadmoorumc.org.

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Lifeshare Blood Drive
8:00 AM08:00

Lifeshare Blood Drive

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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LifeShare Blood Drive, Sunday, Mar 2 in Pearce Hall from 8-Noon in Pearce Hall.

To sign up you can do so on the connect card, eblast, BUMC Facebook, Lifeshare’s website or the links below.

Registration Link: 


Donor Fast Pass DAY OF DRIVE ONLY! 


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Youth and Children Ministry Parking Lot Fundraiser
12:00 PM12:00

Youth and Children Ministry Parking Lot Fundraiser

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Mardi Gras Parking | March 1

The youth and children ministry will be selling our parking lot spots for $10 on the day of Gemini parade. All proceeds will go directly towards supporting our thriving ministries throughout the year. Plan to park and walk just two blocks to E. Kings Highway for the parades! The parades start at 3, so plan to park between 12-3 PM.

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NSU Chamber Choir in concert
7:00 PM19:00

NSU Chamber Choir in concert

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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We are excited to host the NSU Chamber Choir in concert on January 28th at 7pm in the BUMC Sanctuary. The Chamber Choir is fresh off it's invitational performance at the Southern Region American Choral Directors Conference as the only Louisiana choir invited. Dr. Shane Thomas is in his first year as Director of Choral Activities and director of the choir. Our own Adam Philley serves as Associate Director of Choral Activities at NSU. This will be an entertaining evening of some great singing! A love offering will be taken up to support the efforts of the choral area at NSU. 

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Heaven Book Study
to Jan 30

Heaven Book Study

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Heaven by Jennifer Rothschild Study (2 Options) Starting Monday | Jan 27 or Thurs | Jan 30 | Bride’s Room

In this 7-session video-based women’s study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. 

Join Bonnie Daniel, beginning on Monday, January 27 at 10 AM or Meghan Avallone on Thursday, January 30 at 5:30 PM in the Bride’s Room to participate in this study. 

For Bonnie’s study, the cost to attend is $25. Please purchase your own books for the Jan 30th study. RSVP to office@broadmoorumc.org.

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Faith in Action: A Broadmoor UMC Conversation
8:00 AM08:00

Faith in Action: A Broadmoor UMC Conversation

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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Faith in Action: A Broadmoor UMC Conversation, January 25th

We are inviting you to gather with us from 8 AM-Noon in Anderson Hall Gym to set a path forward for Broadmoor UMC to serve our church family and our community. Continental breakfast starts at 7:30 AM. Please RSVP if you can attend to office@broadmoorumc.org or by scanning the connect card. If you need nursery care for your children, please email our children’s director Leah Raley at children@broadmoorumc.org.

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United Women in Faith Christmas Lunch
11:00 AM11:00

United Women in Faith Christmas Lunch

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UWF Christmas Program and Lunch  Tuesday, Dec 3 | 11 AM | Pearce Hall

Celebrate the Christmas season with a soup and pie luncheon. There will be a Christmas message by Rev. Megan Twyman and other fun and different program activities to put you in a Christmas spirit. Our emphasis and offering is on giving. Broadmoor Children’s Ministry will be the area we are supporting with love and funding. Come join us to support our own children’s programing. 

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Advent Study
10:00 AM10:00

Advent Study

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Advent Study begins Mondays , Nov 25 from 10 AM or 6 PM.

Rev. Mimi McDowell and Rev. Kathy Fitzhugh will lead us in our Advent study, Making Room by Ed Robb. Often our Advent preparations have an inward focus as we prepare for the significance of God breaking into our world through the birth of the Christ child. But in a closer examination of the Advent story, we quickly learn that the focus of the coming of the newborn king is outward. Dr. Ed Robb explores the warmth of welcome at Christmas following interactions with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the magi. Just as Jesus made room in God’s kingdom for a host of people that society wanted to leave on the margins, beginning with the appearance of the shepherds, we too should be asking ourselves who we can make room for this Christmas. Perhaps it is to the people in your community, or the newly immigrated family in town that doesn’t speak your language. Or maybe it’s the next-door neighbor who just settled in from yet another corporate move? The story of Christ’s birth encourages us to widen our borders and increase our sense of community and make room for others.

Sign up by emailing office@broadmoorumc.org. Cost for materials is $20 for a paperback book or purchase your own digital copy.

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Mission Marketplace 2024
10:00 AM10:00

Mission Marketplace 2024

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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Save the Date for Mission Marketplace 2024. Friday from Nov 1 from 6 - 8 PM for early shopping for a $10 fee, and Saturday from Nov 2 from 10-2 PM in Anderson Hall Gym.

Mission Marketplace is a faith-based initiative to help improve the lives of people all over the world, and supports Fair-trade vendors from all over the world, as well as local non-profits in the Shreveport/Bossier area. So, make plans to come out to support them, or do some early holiday shopping!

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Fall Break Week
to Oct 10

Fall Break Week

  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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Fall Break Week  Tuesday- Thursday | Oct 8 - 10 | 

8:30 AM - 2 PM | $40

1st - 5th grade can sign up for some fun the week of fall break. Cost is $40 and lunch is provided. On Tuesday we will go to the Noel Food Pantry and go bowling. Wednesday we will head over to the OWL Center for some petting zoo and maze fun. Thursday, we will have some fall fun here at BUMC.

If you have any questions please contact Leah Raley at children@broadmoorumc.org or by calling the church office.

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3rd Grade Bibles and Bible Blast Sunday
12:00 PM12:00

3rd Grade Bibles and Bible Blast Sunday

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3rd Grade Bibles and Bible Blast Sunday will be Sept 15 after 11 AM Services in Pearce Hall.

All of our third graders will receive an Adventure Bible and after the 11 AM services we will meet in Pearce Hall for lunch and some Bible fun.

Please RSVP by September 12 to Leah Raley at children@broadmoorumc.org

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Women's Bible Studies
to Sep 9

Women's Bible Studies

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Women's Bible Studies 

A women’s book study on the Gospel of John: Savoring the Peace of Jesus wiill be held on Mondays and Thursdays starting Sept 5 & 9. Cost to attend is $25. Please purchase book before class begins.

Bonnie Daniel will lead the Monday class at 10 AM in room 200. Megan Avallone will led the Thursday class at 5:30 PM in the Brides Room.

You can sign up for these classes on your connect card, by calling or emailing the office at office@broadmoorumc.org

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Back to School Sunday
8:30 AM08:30

Back to School Sunday

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Back to School Sunday

Join us on Aug 11 during all three services as we celebrate the new school year. We will recognize students, their families, teachers and administration with a special blessing. Kids bring your backpacks. We look forward to celebrating this time together.

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Fair-Well to Summer
11:00 AM11:00

Fair-Well to Summer

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Fair-Well to Summer

August 10th | 11 AM - 2 PM

Let's celebrate the end of summer with a church-wide day of fun! Lunch, bingo, games for the youth and kids, a ministry fair, and more!

Please volunteer and donate where you can here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4CA5A92DA6FFC70-50223166-farewell#/ or email  office@broadmoorumc.org.

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6:00 PM18:00


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Kickoff Choir Potluck 

The Chancel Choir takes a break from singing in services during the month of July. So as you notice their conspicuous absence may you be reminded of how grateful we are for their wonderful dedication to our worship services.

If you are interested in joining the Chancel Choir there will be a kickoff potluck on August 7th at 6pm in Pearce Hall!

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10:00 AM10:00


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Beyond the Book Circle | June 7th | The Parlor | 10 AM

The Women of Troublesome Creek, a novel, will be the next book to be reviewed in the parlor at 10:00 AM. Mary Virginia Taylor will take us through the twists and turns in book by Kim Michele Richardson. It is an Education for Mission category. Come join us!

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to Jul 17


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BUMC Summer Programs

Mighty Kids | Adult Study - June 5, 19; July 3, 17 | 5:30 - 7 PM

Save the date! Join us this summer for our summer programs. We will gather together as a church family to hear stories about the heroes of the Bible, who display God’s great attributes. We will learn how we can live out these characteristics in our every day life. This all-age event will kick off with a meal together. Afterwards we will break into our age appropriate groups  as we learn and grow in our faith. More information to come!

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Aldersgate Day Celebration
8:30 AM08:30

Aldersgate Day Celebration

Join Us for an Aldersgate Day Celebration on May 24th! 

On Friday, May 24th, drop in at BUMC anytime between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm to grab a slice of Aldersgate Day cake and take a picture with John Wesley!

What is Aldersgate Day?

Aldersgate Day marks the pivotal moment when John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, experienced a profound spiritual awakening on May 24th, 1738. It was on this day that Wesley felt his heart "strangely warmed" while attending a meeting on Aldersgate Street in London, igniting a flame of spiritual renewal that would spread across the world.

Come celebrate Aldersgate Day with us as we honor the legacy of John Wesley and the enduring impact of his faith. Bring your friends, family, and an appetite for cake as we rejoice in this momentous occasion together!

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4:30 PM16:30


  • Broadmoor United Methodist Church (map)
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Due to our Parking Lot Fundraiser not making quite as much as we hoped, the Youth will be doing a couple more fundraisers over the next few months. One such fundraiser, will be a Parent’s Night Out for the Nursery and Children’s Ministry on May 4th from 4:30 - 7 PM!

Please leave a donation of your choosing with one of our youth as you drop your kids off, and we’ll make sure they have an amazing time! Please RSVP to Leah Raley in the office@broadmoorumc.org.

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