A Christmas Meditation

By Dr. Greg Davis, Senior Pastor

Christmas brings us hope.

The message of the New Testament is that we do not have to continue destructive circumstances. The New Testament says we are free to choose a different way.

God has given every person in the world a place in the world – a destiny – and a reason for being. We are called by God to live out our potential, our possibility.

God did not create us to live in pain, suffering, or unhappiness. In everyone’s life there is the possibility of hope, joy, and love.

We often use our God-given freedom to make choices which lead us to discouragement, discomfort, and unhappiness. But the Good News is that we can make other choices which can get us back on track.

I knew someone who looked forward to being an engineer all his life. When he finally achieved his goal – and got a job with NASA – he found that he was restless and dissatisfied. Nothing seemed to go right for him, and he did not like what he was doing. After much soul-searching, he went back to school and pursued another line of work. His whole life changed. He felt better, looked better, and was more productive. He is one of the best in his field. He used his freedom to choose fulfillment and not pain.

Most of us feel we are locked into the circumstances of our lives, but the message of the New Testament is different.

We are not meant to live in discouragement, discomfort, and unhappiness. God has given us the freedom to choose another way.

We celebrate that Christ came to set our hearts free.

Christmas brings us hope.