By Dr. Greg Davis
Teamwork is the name of the game. This is why you were recently surveyed about your thoughts on important themes concerning BUMC. All were invited to begin analyzing responses to determine who we are. This meeting took place last Saturday.
There was a great deal of information provided. We sifted through phrases you gave in response to two questions: Why does BUMC exist? and Why BUMC and not somewhere else?
The group created statements based on an analysis of what you said. Examples include: “An open and welcoming people, serving the community through the love of Christ.” “A welcoming and serving community of God.” “Loving to serve others.” “Grounded in Christ’s love, a place to call home.” And so forth.
We were making things too complicated. Using teamwork, we began looking for key words that accurately describe BUMC. These were descriptors that arose most frequently and appeared in every age category. Welcoming, Worshipping, Serving, and Community were believed to signify accurately who we are and what we value.
Next time we meet – and I’d love you to participate – will be Sunday, May 22 immediately after late service. All are invited. The purpose will be to answer the question Where are we going?
This is a hugely important meeting, and lunch will be provided. Say YES to working side-by-side!