By Laura Vaughan, Director of Discipleship
How are you serving in and through Broadmoor? Are your gifts being utilized?
1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13 reminds us that we are all a part of the body of Christ and that we each have gifts that God has given us.
Your gifts help make the body of Christ function properly.
Do you have the gift of teaching? You can lead a small group Bible study, teach an adult, children or youth Sunday School class, or lead a covenant group.
Do you have the gift of hospitality? You can serve as an Usher, Greeter, Valet Parker, New Member Friend, or in the Kitchen Ministry.
Do you have the gift of serving? You can mentor a child through Kids Hope, answer phone calls or input data at Faith Works, or help build a home with the Fuller Center.
What one thing can you offer back? We are blessed that members of our church family give back in so many ways. There are persons who come every week and straighten up the sanctuary before worship, stuff the visitor’s bags, pick up trash in the parking lot on Saturday, knit and crochet blankets for the layette ministry and those who are suffering with an illness.
As you walk through the halls of Broadmoor, take some time and listen to where God is calling you to use your gift. What ministry may not be fully functioning because the body of Christ may not have your “part?” To find out more about how you may discover and contribute your spiritual gifts at Broadmoor UMC, please contact me at 861-0586 or