Writing it on our hearts...

By Dr. Greg Davis

Some people make intentional New Year’s resolutions; others just take a deep breath and hope for the best. At Broadmoor UMC we are going to unveil our mission and vision statements on January 29th during the Sunday School hour. This is an intentional step of living into who we are and where we want to go. We are placing our statements where everyone entering and departing the fellowship/worship area can see them. The intent is to write the statements on our hearts, echoing the words of the prophet Jeremiah, “I will write it on their hearts.”

As a community that welcomes, worships, and serves together, we want “The Unveiling” to be witnessed by as many as possible. So on January 29th we are asking all the Sunday School classes to meet together for fellowship time in the Fellowship Area, share prayer and song together in the Sanctuary, and then gather as one Body as the statements are unveiled.

So many provided input into the design of these statements that it is only fitting that we begin our Year of Service as a united body to celebrate who we are and where we are going!