The Road So Far

By Rev. Peter Gaughan

A year and a half ago, I was appointed to Broadmoor United Methodist Church. During the past year, I have had the honor of participating in our visioning process. My heart swelled with joy and pride last Sunday at The Unveiling as we gathered as a church to celebrate the milestone of our newly created statements. Thanks to this process, I love and know this church better than I ever thought possible in such a short time.

Our statements are the culmination of faithful work of a congregation that has shined the light of Christ in this community for over 75 years. As we gathered to celebrate, we heard from people who were invited, felt nurtured, were equipped, and served as a result of being connected to our community of faith. Seeing the fruit of what those who came before us achieved, we discerned the next steps: To invite, nurture, equip and serve to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Let us hold fast to these statements, for it was no easy process to reach them. To find the time and patience to gather and listen to our dreams and fears was challenging for us all. To spend a year in discernment, all the while eager to move on to planning what we will do next, was frustrating at times. Each day and each conversation has made us all the richer for it. We see now, the character that makes up our church and our process affirms that is still who we are called to be.

As we move forward into the next 75 plus years at Broadmoor United Methodist Church, we can hold fast to who we are and who we are becoming with these statements of hope and direction.