Stock Sale: We Need Your Help!

By Brandon Winningham, Director of Youth Ministries

Hello Youth Ministry friends!

I want to give you an update on our summer mission trip. In case you are unaware, the Youth Ministry is taking 20 students and 5 adults to Los Angeles this July for a week of work with the Center for Student Missions (CSM). We will be working with several ministries that serve homeless and impoverished people of all ages during our time in LA. We will also be learning more about the root causes of poverty and what we can do to help curb it back home. This will be our 4th year in a row to work with the Center for Student Missions and every year I am amazed at the change it can make in our students’ lives.

During the month of May our annual Stock Sale Fundraiser has raised $5,735 towards our summer mission trip. This is great news and we are blessed to have support from our church! However, there is still work to be done. Last year we raised over $11,000 and this year we need to do the same.

Mission trips can be expensive for students, not only because of travel logistics, but also because of the high operating costs in a quality organization like CSM. During my 4 years working at BUMC, a top priority of mine has been to make our experiences affordable for our students and families. The chance to change a student’s life is too important to allow finances to get in the way! This is why we are asking for your help.

Every dollar of your financial support goes directly towards the success of our trip. Here is a breakdown of our costs:

  • CSM fee: $8,500
  • Southwest Airlines: $8,476
  • Rental Vans: $1,399
  • Lodging: $1,347

We need to raise $5,250 more to meet our goal. We have faith that it will happen and we are excited about the opportunity to change lives in LA and in our own ministry!

If you feel led to contribute to our fundraiser or add to your existing contribution please contact me through email ( or my cell phone (318.518.0117). You can drop off checks at the church office or pay with a credit card online at

Thank you for your support and we are excited to share our experiences with you!