Common Ground is located in the Cedar Grove neighborhood. It provides opportunities for educational, spiritual, and personal growth to strengthen self-sufficiency and to encourage a hopeful pathway for the future of the Cedar Grove community.
They provide:
children’s programs,
mentoring for young folks,
a community meal on Thursdays,
a food pantry,
a clothing closet, and
a community garden.
The Missions Team is collecting loads of clean, gently used men’s clothing (no suits) and men’s shoes to restock the Common Ground clothing closet. Every Wednesday, a dedicated group of Broadmoor volunteers works the clothing closet at Common Ground. This helps prepare for Thursday evenings, when at 5:30 p.m., our friends in Cedar Grove get to “shop” in the clothing closet.
Please look for the wicker collection baskets. There will be one located by our Administrative Offices and another located in the Fellowship Area by the Sanctuary.