Congregational Care Reboot Meeting
August 2nd
10 AM
Bride's Room
Early registration is $20.00 thru May 15th
$25.00 May 16th – June 4th
$30.00 RACE DAY
Anne has been enjoying retirement for almost a year. Now that restrictions have been lifted, we are now able to gather together and celebrate her 40 years of love and devotion to the Broadmoor Buddies program.
Please join us on May 23rd where we will honor Anne during the 11 AM Traditional service and have a time of celebration immediately following.
A table will be set up in Fellowship Hall where we can leave notes of encouragement, words of thanks or memories of how Anne and the Buddies program have touched our lives.
We look forward to celebrating Anne with you.
Methodist Children’s Home of Ruston is one of the three children’s homes of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services.
They offer services encompassing structured residential care to equine-assisted psychotherapy, from intensive alternative educational services to a base camp for the home and community services we will offer throughout the region.
Ruston serves as the home base for all the operations throughout the state.
You can drop your check into the offering baskets, drop them off at the office or mail to BUMC.
Cans of Soup
Boxes of Cereal
Boxes of Jiffy Cornbread Mix
The Trike-A-Thon program teaches children safety lessons while riding their trikes or bicycles. We will begin Trike-a-Thon week during our library time learning the lessons. For this event, we will use our roller racers and ride the course in shifts with the 3’s in one parking lot and the 4’s in the other. We are inviting parents to watch. Even though we are going to be outside, we are asking parents to wear masks and practice social distancing.
It will be an educational and fun time for the kids, but also a time to raise money to send to St. Jude. A participant sponsor form is attached. This year we are also participating in the on-line option. To set up your fundraising page, visit (Click on Find Your School and enter Broadmoor United Methodist Church Day School and go from there!) I would encourage those of you who have a Facebook page to post on there. It’s an easy way for you to get the information out to friends and family AND an easy way for them to pay on-line! OF COURSE, anyone may also make donations with check or cash! Please look over the envelope and return the parent/guardian permission slip.
This is going to be such a fun event for a great cause!
Please purchase ANY or ALL of these items & bring them in a RED BAG or ANY BAG on the 1st Sunday of the month.
There will be two Drive Thru Drop Off opportunities starting in September.
The first is to drive thru the Friday before Sunday collection day during normal business hours. You will drive up to the office doors, call the office to let us know you are here, and a staff member will meet you outside.
The second is to drive thru the Sunday of collection between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. On this day, you will drive up to the Sanctuary doors where a staff member will assist you in your drop off.
For more information or questions, please contact
New toys, clothes, household goods, and sporting equipment for all ages—children, teens, and adults. No item should be valued at more than $25 (see Gift Ideas on reverse side)
Wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper, and tape.
Make a monetary donation
November 22 - box of cereal December 4 – can of pinto beans
November 23 – jar of peanut butter December 5 – box of crackers
November 24 - box of stuffing mix December 6 – package of rice
November 25 - box of dry potatoes December 7 – package of pasta
November 26 - box of macaroni and cheese December 8 – jar of soup
November 27 - can of fruit December 9 -can of spaghetti sauce
November 28 - can of tomatoes December 10 – can of chicken
November 29 - can of tuna December 11 – can of green beans
November 30 - box of desert mix December 12 -can of corn
December 1 - jar of applesauce (plastic jar) December 13 – can of broth
December 2 - can of sweet potatoes December 14 – box of cornbread mix
December 3 – can of cranberry sauce December 15 – box of pancake mix
Select a Gift Tag from the Angel Tree for either a gift or a gift card.
Write your name and phone number on the back card AND place that card in the gift box on this table.
Return your unwrapped gift or gift card to the Angel Tree on Sundays or to the church office during the week before the DEC. 15th deadline.
$15 per plant
Orders due by NOV 29th
Pay by mail or online
It’s Red Bag Sunday! No red bag? No problem, just bring your donations in whatever bag you have available.
A table will be set up in the Sanctuary area and The River area for donations.
Current collections are travel size hygiene items: shampoo, lotion, soap/body wash, and toothpaste.
Supporting Noel Food Pantry
Instant Oatmeal Packets (12 oz.)
Canned Tuna (5 - 6 oz.)
Macaroni & Cheese (7.25 oz.)
The children come in at different times and buy small new or donated items that are then wrapped, to give to their family members.
The highest marked item will be $2.
The kids get to enjoy shopping and experience the gift of giving.
The money raised goes back to the school to buy items for the students.
December 15th | Sunday, 10 AM, Sanctuary
Donations from MARCH TO THE MANGER benefits ROY’S KIDS.
Please bring new unwrapped toys to March to the Manger on December 15th at 10 AM which will be donated to Roy’s Kids.
Tickets will be available beginning Wednesday, November 6th (office area) and on Sunday mornings before and after worship services until tickets are no longer available. This year, we are asking a suggested $5 per ticket donation to help offset our expenses.
The Angel Trees will be up the week of November 4th. The deadline for all gifts to BUMC is Tuesday, December 3rd.
Helping to serve at the monthly Highland Blessing Dinner.