Santa Shoppe at Arthur Circle
Kids Hope and BUMC are once again participating with a fundraiser called Santa Shoppe at Arthur Circle.
The children come in at different times and buy small new or donated items that are then wrapped, to give to their family members.
The highest marked item will be $2.
The kids get to enjoy shopping and experience the gift of giving.
The money raised goes back to the school to buy items for the students.
Some of the items suggested are frames, games, cards, note pads, stationary, cologne, scarves, ties, costume jewelry , flashlights, camo products; really any item that you might like to donate.
I will have a donation bin at the church office and at the hospitality desk by the sanctuary marked Santa Shoppe. In addition Arthur Circle is also asking for scotch tape, Christmas gift tags, and gift bags.
The Arthur Circle staff needs volunteers to help the students shop for and wrap the presents. Volunteers to help set up are needed as well. The dates are December 16th - 19th. The shifts are 9 - 11 AM; 11 AM - 1 PM; and 1 - 3 PM.
If you would like to work a shift there will be a sign up list at the hospitality desk and office desk. You may also contact Marliese Griffith at 318-464-1222 or