Blue Christmas Service
A Service of Healing & Hope...
Monday, December 21, 2020
6 PM (Online)
Monday, December 21, 2020
6 PM (Online)
Due to Covid-19 our area United Methodist churches are unable to host their annual Christmas concerts. We will miss preparing and attending our Festival de Noël. In an effort to still provide a performance in a safe way, some of our Shreveport/Bossier churches partnered together to produce a virtual Christmas concert experience.
UMC CHRISTMAS IN THE SBC will be streamed on December 15 at 7pm.
The stream can be found online at or on the Facebook event, Christmas in the SBC.
Thanks to Kyle Boston for his wonderful solo and Dr. Rick Duet for making the filming happen!
This beautiful and special service will bring you music from our talented singers, led by Adam Philley. Members of our church will help us to bring in the light of Christ, Mrs. Kristin will share a wonderful children’s message, and Dr. Greg Davis will bring us a very special Christmas message and lead us in Holy Communion. We will end this service with our honored tradition of lighting the candles and singing Silent Night. This service will be available starting at 10 AM on Christmas Eve and can be watched anytime that evening in the comfort of your own home. Communion elements and candles are available at the church. You may pick them up before or after worship, or during regular business hours. If picking up during our regular business hours, please call ahead and let us know you are on your way to pick up an Advent Box.
We will gather for an outside Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in the parking lot of BUMC at 5 p.m. We are requesting to have the block of Albany closed between Youree Dr. and Anniston Ave. so that those wanting to set up chairs in front of our outside stage area can do so safely. For those wishing to stay in their cars, we will have the service available through an FM transmitter.
New toys, clothes, household goods, and sporting equipment for all ages—children, teens, and adults. No item should be valued at more than $25 (see Gift Ideas on reverse side)
Wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper, and tape.
Make a monetary donation
November 22 - box of cereal December 4 – can of pinto beans
November 23 – jar of peanut butter December 5 – box of crackers
November 24 - box of stuffing mix December 6 – package of rice
November 25 - box of dry potatoes December 7 – package of pasta
November 26 - box of macaroni and cheese December 8 – jar of soup
November 27 - can of fruit December 9 -can of spaghetti sauce
November 28 - can of tomatoes December 10 – can of chicken
November 29 - can of tuna December 11 – can of green beans
November 30 - box of desert mix December 12 -can of corn
December 1 - jar of applesauce (plastic jar) December 13 – can of broth
December 2 - can of sweet potatoes December 14 – box of cornbread mix
December 3 – can of cranberry sauce December 15 – box of pancake mix
Select a Gift Tag from the Angel Tree for either a gift or a gift card.
Write your name and phone number on the back card AND place that card in the gift box on this table.
Return your unwrapped gift or gift card to the Angel Tree on Sundays or to the church office during the week before the DEC. 15th deadline.
We will begin the season with a Church Wide Advent Kick-Off!
November 29th
Anderson Hall
5 - 6:30 PM
$15 per plant
Orders due by NOV 29th
Pay by mail or online
Blue? Yes, blue as in the blues. As in "I am feeling blue." Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities.
This service is a sacred place for people living through dark times and others who want a time of reflection and prayer, accepting where we really are, and holding out healing and hope.
Just as Christmas can promise so much and often deliver so little, our own lives can seem bittersweet when we consider dreams we may have had that never came to pass. But, as George Bailey discovered in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, it is never too late to re-evaluate our lives, to find so much to be thankful for, and to live again. This can be a time to discover new hope in our relationship with God.
The children come in at different times and buy small new or donated items that are then wrapped, to give to their family members.
The highest marked item will be $2.
The kids get to enjoy shopping and experience the gift of giving.
The money raised goes back to the school to buy items for the students.
1002 Saint Tammany Ct.
5 - 7 PM
Bring a pair of socks to donate & a wrapped pair to swap!
December 15th | Sunday, 10 AM, Sanctuary
Donations from MARCH TO THE MANGER benefits ROY’S KIDS.
Please bring new unwrapped toys to March to the Manger on December 15th at 10 AM which will be donated to Roy’s Kids.
Just as Christmas can promise so much and often deliver so little, our own lives can seem bittersweet when we consider dreams we may have had that never came to pass. But, as George Bailey discovered in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, it is never too late to re-evaluate our lives, to find so much to be thankful for, and to live again. This can be a time to discover new hope in our relationship with God.
Tickets will be available beginning Wednesday, November 6th (office area) and on Sunday mornings before and after worship services until tickets are no longer available. This year, we are asking a suggested $5 per ticket donation to help offset our expenses.
Santa has cleared his calendar for us again this year!
Parents and kids come and enjoy pancakes and pictures with Santa!
Just as Christmas can promise so much and often deliver so little, our own lives can seem bittersweet when we consider dreams we may have had that never came to pass. But, as George Bailey discovered in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, it is never too late to re-evaluate our lives, to find so much to be thankful for, and to live again. This can be a time to discover new hope in our relationship with God.
On Saturday, November 30th, we are planning a trip to the Festival of Lights in Natchitoches. We will meet at the church at 4:00 pm, head to Natchitoches, see the lights and fireworks, enjoy the concert, eat dinner, and come back. Please bring $12 for tickets/ food plus any spending money you want for the vendors!