BUMY Spring Retreat 2020
March 6th & 7th
The theme for this year’s Spring Retreat “In the Making” is all about the process of getting from where you are, to where you want to be.
Every process is going to take time, work and patience to get to the goal. As a teenager, you might feel like you are a work in progress. It can feel like you’re spending all of your time working on things that don’t make a difference until later in life.
But here’s the bottom line - If we’re all works in progress, then we all must be moving towards something. But what are we moving towards? And are we sure we’re moving the direction we want to go?
The type of person you end up being will directly impact the type of life you end up living.
What kind of person do you want to be? Most people would say they know they want to be a good person. It’s not that we don’t know who to be, it’s that we don’t always know how to become that person.
It all starts with our decisions, but what does that look like in practice? That’s what we hope to learn more about together! We hope you will consider having your student(s) attend.